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Posted by Los Hechos y el Derecho TV Alexander Racini LHD TV | Sunday, March 29, 2009 | 0 comentarios

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Roman Empire Timeline

These events in the history of the Roman Empire come from Pennell's history of ancient Rome. Most of the dates are the terms of office of the Roman emperors. This gives a skeletal framework for further study of the Roman Empire.
Immediately preceding the Empire proper (dates B.C.):

44. Assassination of Caesar.
43. The Second Triumvirate.
43. (Dec.) Murder of Cicero.
42. (Nov.) Philippi.
36. Naulochus.

31. (Sept. 2). Actium. The Empire proper (dates B.C. and A.D.)
30-41. Julian Emperors
30-14. Augustus.
A.D. 9. Teutoberg Forest Disaster.
14-37. Tiberius.
37-41. Caligula.
41-68. Claudian Emperors.
41-54. Claudius.
54-68. Nero.
68-69. Galba.
69. Otho.
69-96. Flavian Emperors.
69-79. Vespasian.
79. Destruction of Jerusalem.
Eruption of Mt. Vesuivius.
79-81. Titus.
81-96. Domitian.
96-180. 5 Good Emperors.
96-98. Nerva.
98-117. Trajan. Limit of Empire reached.
117-138. Hadrian.
138-161. Antoninus Pius.
161-180. Marcus Aurelius.
180-192. Commodus.
192-284. Emperors from Pertinax to Diocletian.
284-305. Diocletian.
306-337. Constantine the Great.
312. Edict of Milan.
325. Council of Nicea.
337-476. Emperors from Constantine to Romulus Augustulus.
378. Battle of Adrianople.
410. Sack of Rome.
476. Odoacer overthrows Romulus Augustulus.
Roman Empire Timeline
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